Where is Lisbon located
First time visitors will always wonder where is Lisbon located, but thankfully the answer is very quick to come; Lisbon is the capital of Portugal and is located on seven hills. That would be the very, very, short description of where and what Lisbon is.
It should be noted that Lisbon is part of a very small number of major cities built on precisely seven hills, alongside Amman, Rome and San Francisco, however Lisbon has also its own particular way of dealing with its location specifics, namely making the use of water as main element of the city because of the river and the nearby Atlantic Ocean.
Where is Lisbon located? Easy… in Portugal, but where exactly?
The Lisbon city is situated along the northern bank of the river Tejo, following it as it flows into the Atlantic. The streets and stairways keep up with the terrain which means that towards the north, they form old tangled neighborhoods, or just disappear and green parks populate the western suburbs.
The follow-up question to where is Lisbon located, is one related to the weather there. Well the city benefits from a Subtropical - Mediterranean climate which means that it sees mild winters and very warm summers. Basically it’s one of the mildest climates on the continent, making it a great destination regardless of season.
The large majority of international travelers will be getting here by air and once they’ve landed at the Lisbon Airport they can make use of a variety of Lisbon Airport transfers or Lisbon Taxi Transfers services to get them from the airport to their destination, and back again when they need it. Of course another option is that of Lisbon car hire but that depends on what your trip’s requirements are.
Traveling to Europe’s second-oldest capital, you can expect to have quite a few things to see and do, also keep in mind that this was the home of some of the world’s greatest explorers, names like Magellan and Vasco da Gama, signs of that heritage can be seen all around.
Lisbon can attract you from many points of view, but regardless of the reason behind your visit you can rest assured that our Lisbon transfers services can an will help you out tremendously whether you want to reach a place within Lisbon, or somewhere in its surroundings.
From the main question, where is Lisbon located, we are going to the near by cities of Lisbon that are Cascais and Estoril, where you can find many of attractions and things to do form beautiful beaches to an international casino.